
密码安全 for 教职员工

Passwords need to be complex enough to discourage guessing but easy enough for you 要记住. As computer processors become faster and faster hackers are taking advantage of better password cracking systems.  This means we have to shift the way we generate 密码.

It is best to start using a 12-20 character password or, better yet, a passphrase to prevent someone from easily guessing it. Really good passphrases should contain a number of character types, letters, numbers, and special 字符. 保持他们的创造力 而且是独一无二的. A passphrase combined with your own "Rules" for substitutions and character insertion makes them easier for you 要记住 but much harder for anyone or any computer to guess.

Here are a couple of passphrase generation ideas. If you really like cookies, use Snickerdoodles, Coconut Macaroons, Gingerbread or Vanillekipferl as a base. 使用一个 special character as a space. Substitute letters with numbers that look the same. Substitute "o" with the digit zero, "L" with the digit one, "S" with the digit five, 等. Make a phrase out of it, and mix in special 字符. "Snick3Rd00dle$#r#good”.

Mix up your schemes, one year use Cookies, then next year Baseball teams, wood working tools, maybe Civil War Generals. The advantage of better passphrases is that you can use them longer before having to change them.

  • 密码快速提示
    • Make sure your password is complex and longer than 12 字符. 简短而简单 密码 are easily figured out by hackers.
    • 使用一个 variety of 字符 such as upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols.
    • Don’t write down your 密码 (keep them in your head or in an encrypted file).
    • Don’t share your password with anybody for any reason, not even with the TSC.
  • Creating and Remembering Your Password

    Creating and remembering strong password can sometimes be challenging. 下面是几个例子 methods that can help you create and remember strong 密码.

    • Use the first 字符 of a sentence you can easily remember and add some special 字符. My son Al is 3 years old in November converts to MsAi$3yoiN0V or I go on Vacation13 May would be IgoV!!@13M.
    • Use numbers in a word, for example a 5 instead of an s and a 3 instead of an e. partn3r5.
    • Substituting special 字符 for letters for example I go on Vacation13 May could 是# 13米.
  • 你的密码弱吗??

    The following are some examples of practices and behaviors that can result in weak 或者糟糕的密码. Under no circumstances should individuals use 密码 that utilize 以下几点:

    • Passwords that match the user ID
    • Passwords that contain the user account owner’s name, first middle or last.
    • Passwords that contain the users bear ID or Social Security number
    • Any consecutive or repeating keyboard 字符 e.g. " 123 ", " . jkl
    • Family-oriented 密码, (your name, nicknames, partners, children or pets). 50% of people do this, and these 密码 are easily guessed.
    • “Fan” names, (sport stars, cartoon 字符, pop icons). 33%的用户会这么做.
    • “Self-obsessed” words, (stud, goddess), 11% of users do this.
    • Common dangerous practices are to use the words, (or simple derivatives), that could easily be guessed by someone else, e.g. password, sesame, changeme, secret, qwerty, money, pass, abc123, private, admin, 123456, god, hello, 111111, UNC.
  • Why would anyone need your password?
    • You are given access to University services to enable you to work. 进入途径 are created to uniquely identify you and the resources you are authorized to access, so under no circumstances will anyone ever need to have your PDID (Personal Digital 身份或密码.
    • This also applies to technical IT staff maintaining computers and applications.
      Therefore: Never disclose your password.
  • Should I give my password to a colleague or support staff in case I need them to check my e-mail or they need to access some information on my computer when I’m not around?
