



人文学院 & 社会科学


(970) 351-1745
In-person Monday and Friday 1:10-2:10pm, Virtual Tuesday 10-11am, and by appointment
格里利,CO 80639


博士,人类学,辅修解剖学, 俄亥俄州立大学
马,人类学, 俄亥俄州立大学
人类学与经济学学士; 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校


2012-present, Bioarchaeology of Mediterranean Colonies Project (BMCP) director, which includes research at seven colonies and two mother-cities in the Mediterranean and 黑海.
2008-2010, 研究 在阿尔巴尼亚的阿波罗尼亚, on Bronze Age-Hellenistic Period skeletal 系列.
2010, 研究 at Corinth, Greece, on Neolithic-Hellenistic Period skeletal 系列.
2005-08, 研究 at The 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, on medieval Nubian skeletal 系列. 



My classroom is an interactive environment, and I use a variety of teaching methods 以适应不同的学习方式. 我有两个主要的学习目标:(1) students will be able to articulate the importance of anthropology as a discipline. Specifically, I want them to come away with an understanding of evolutionary theory and an appreciation of how human flexibility allows us to interact in a variety of environments; and (2) students will understand the ways anthropologists collect data 批判性地评估证据以检验假设. 为了传达这些包罗万象 concepts, I must be flexible in order to adapt to various classroom environments. To accommodate student diversity within my classroom, including non-majors, international and minority students, I use a variety of class activities to produce a rich and varied 学习环境.

I also bring my own research experience into my classroom in order to give students 了解科学家如何进行研究. 例如,在报道古病理学时 I summarize my own research on human health and explain how I use bioarchaeology to 回答有关古人生活的问题. 然后我给学生一个具体的 transition in history that has been investigated using bioarchaeology, e.g. 人类 发展农业. 我让他们假设他们期望看到什么 这一转变后健康状况的变化. 他们还必须写出的类型 paleopathological evidence they would need in order to support or refute their hypothesis. 然后我告诉他们真正的生物考古学家发现了什么. 他们用的是真正的生物考古学 支持或反驳他们的假设的证据. 学生告诉我这一点 exercise helps them understand how scientists use hypothesis testing to investigate 皇冠app安卓下载安装过去的问题. 通过将我自己的研究融入课堂,我的学生 欣赏我所教的材料在现实世界中的应用.

Additionally, I encourage students to learn by doing their own research. 我的许多朋友 students have become anthropology majors and some engage in undergraduate research 在我的指导下. 有兴趣和我一起做研究的学生 项目应该在我的办公时间来找我.


I am a biological anthropologist who seeks to understand human variation and evolution 基于对过去一万年人口的研究. 尤其是我 interested in human adaptation in settings undergoing rapid change, often under social, 文化和环境的破坏. 我最近的研究集中在东部地区 Mediterranean basin, investigating the impact of Greek colonization of the Balkans from the 8th-6th centuries BC, by study of archaeological human remains from a 系列 阿尔巴尼亚、意大利和希腊的遗址.

I currently co-direct the Bioarchaeology of Mediterranean Colonies Project (BMCP), which examines culture contact and human adaptation resulting from Greek colonization throughout the Mediterranean during a dynamic period in human history characterized 由人口相互作用和民族不平等的地域根源. 的BMCP examines community health and trajectories of social change in the Mediterranean, and addresses the relationship between historical accounts of early colonial interaction 以及考古和生物考古证据. 团队成员包括国际 researchers specializing in archaeology, classics, genetics, and bioarchaeology.

的BMCP is also committed to involving undergraduate students in independent research 有助于我们的总体研究问题的项目. 我带过学生 to Albania, Greece, and Italy to collect data and investigate questions for independent 研究项目. 一些本科生的研究是由国家 Science Foundation (NSF) funded 研究 Experience for Undergraduates (REU) grant. If you are an undergraduate student interested in contributing to the Bioarchaeology 在我的办公时间来见我.


Reitsema LJ, Mittnik A, 凯尔B, Catalano G, Fabbri PF, Kazmi ACS, Reinberger KL, Sineo L, 他年代, Bernardos R, Broomandskhoshbacht N, Callan K, Candilio F, Cheronet O, Curtis E, Fernandes D, Lari M, Lawson AM, Mah M, Mallick S, Mandl K, Micco A, Modi A, Oppenheimer J, Özdogan KT, Rohland N, Stewardson K, Vai S, Vergata C, Workman JN, Zalzala F, Zaro V, Achilli A, Anagnostopoulos A, Capelli C, Constantinou V, Lancioni H, Olivieri A, Papadopoulou A, Psatha N, Semino O, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Valliannou I, Yannaki E, Lazaridis I, 刘国强,刘国强,刘国强,刘国强. 2022. 极端的多样性 古典希腊军队的遗传和地理起源. 美国国家科学院学报(PNAS) 119:e2205272119.

Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B, Koҫi M, Horton RN, Shehi E. 2022. 古代人类饮食的生物考古证据 and Migration at Epidamnus/Dyrrachion and Apollonia in Illyria, Albania. 考古学和人类学.

Saltini Semerari G; 凯尔B, Reitsema L. 正在审查. 生物考古学的危险、潜力和前景 地中海人口流动研究中的分析. 地中海考古学杂志.

Reinberger KL, Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B,李建军,李建军,李建军. 2021. 地理异质性的同位素证据 在古希腊军事力量中. 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》 16: e0248803(18页). http://doi.org/10.1371/journal. 玉米饼.0248803

苏洛斯基·韦弗, 凯尔B. 正在审查. At the Intersection of Biology and Identity: Nonmetric Traits as Indicators 希腊殖民背景下的种族问题. In: Bioarchaeological perspectives on inequality and social differentiation from the ancient 希腊世界. A. Lagia,年代. Voutsaki, etGainsville,佛罗里达州:佛罗里达大学出版社.  

凯尔B, Reitsema LJ. 2021. 城市环境中的社会差异及其对压力的影响: 古希腊Himera(西西里岛)的初步结果. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Climate and Environmental Change. G. 罗宾斯·舒格,编辑. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社. p. 205-220. 

凯尔B, Shehi E, kopadi M, Reitsema LJ. 2020. 生理应激的生物考古重建 在阿尔巴尼亚社会转型期间. 国际古病理学杂志 30: 118-129.  

Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B, 他年代. 2020. Food Traditions and Colonial Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean: 来自希腊西西里殖民地希米拉的稳定同位素证据. 人类学考古学杂志 57:101144.  

Rathmann H, 凯尔B李建军,李建军,李建军. 2019. 南方人口历史 在希腊殖民时期的意大利. 美国体质人类学杂志 170:519-534. 

凯尔B, 刘建军,张建军,张建军,张建军. 2018. 检视骨学悖论: Skeletal stress in mass graves versus civilians at the Greek colony of Himera (Sicily).美国体质人类学杂志 167:161-172. 

凯尔B, Schepartz LA和Larsen CS.2016.妈妈。 City and Colony: Bioarchaeological Evidence of Stress and Impacts of Corinthian Colonization 在阿尔巴尼亚的阿波罗尼亚. 国际骨考古学杂志 26:1067-1077. 

恩汉堡王. 2015. 重新评估缺铁性贫血假说的意义. 国际骨考古学杂志 25:997-1000. 

恩汉堡王 和洛杉矶的Schepartz. 2015.  Femoral subtrochanteric shape variation in Albania: Implications for use in forensic 应用程序. HOMO:比较人类生物学杂志 66:79-89.  

Reitsema LJ和 恩汉堡王. 2014.Reconciling “Stress” and “Health” in Physical 人类学: What Can Bioarchaeologists 向其他分支学科学习? 美国体质人类学杂志 155:181-185. 

恩汉堡王, Schepartz LA和Larsen CS.2014.Evidence for long-term migration on the Balkan Peninsula using dental and cranial nonmetric data: Early interaction between Corinth (Greece) and its colony at Apollonia (阿尔巴尼亚). 美国体质人类学杂志. 153:236-248.


UNC’s New 教师 Recognition in Sponsored 项目 Award recipient, 2016

